Sunday, March 2, 2008

Where are we really?

The reason this whole thing came to be is a general feeling of needing to do something bigger than this. Way bigger than this, but this is the perfect place to start.

Israel vs. Palestine, the forgotten oil field battles in the Niger delta, the growing AIDS disaster swelling up in rural India and the situation that will or is developing in Cuba after the supposed change in regime. These were just some of the things that pass through my head in a random minute in the day.

How about the elections if you want to call them that occuring in Russia right now. The growing power of the authoritarian elite in Russia and the correlation of the growth of the FSB (Federalnay Sluzhba Bezopasnosti) or basically the modern version of the KGB.

The Russian gas giant Gazprom, sponsors one of the giants in German in German football Schalke 04 what odd irony........

What happens when the scent of money from the Hilton family or other big US corporations start to smell good to Raul Castro?

Will the idea of Capitalist infused Communism in the vain of China sound good to them, i'd have to say yes. The people of that country are in need of the option of a better life and the prospect of at least a healthy vibrant one.

How many people at the State Dept. or in Washington really don't understand the fundamental differences between Shi'a Muslims and Sunni Muslims?

I bet you the answer would be a higher percentage than what should be expected from those that run this country.

I mean come on. These are the same people that allowed Nancy Pelosi to put her hankerchief on her head while on a visit to Syria in April 2007. Wearing a Hijab if your Muslim is okay, but....

Somebody should really have told her better advice than that. Sometimes I just wonder how many more times the "leaders" of this country will embarass us somewhere, somehow, someway.

The general understanding and common sense on our behalf has been replaced by an arrogant ignorance that is entirely unacceptable.

Turkey used to be our friend. Now I would honestly be scared to visit Istanbul and declare myself an American. The approval rating of Americans is at an embarrasingly low level and it is a sad disgrace that we have become the butt of every joke, and the doormat of the world.

When will America get its head out of its ass and realize where we really are and then realize where we should be going.

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