Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What has changed...

What has really changed in the last 10 months or so since President Obama has been elected into office. Well, first of all, the magical power of hope and change has started to fade, as the world has realized that amazing oratorical skills only get you so far.

What else has changed, is that we attempted to save the financial industry and the car industry in this country following the recession, but we really just managed another reason for the world to hate us and vent their rage. Once the world woke up from their deification of Obama, they realized that America had once again treaded carelessly (not lightly) around the world's financial sector, and had put the world on the brink of collapse.

But what has changed since the (almost) collapse, and once Obama had a chance to do something? Sadly, not much. The developing economies around the world are still on a rapid rise; the world is still dependent on the USA and China, with the latter extremely dependent on the former; Climate degradation and destruction is still a major issue; the destitutely poor of the world are increasing rapidly due to certain demographic factors; and the Middle East and Afghanistan/Kashmir are still a mess, with no clear way out in any of the multiple sites of constant violence.

The politics of hope and change are just that. Hope is the last thing to die, or so they say. But in the world of politics and speeches and bluster, I really don't hope for much anymore, I will do what I can do correct and/or illustrate the systemic problems in this world. but I don't hope anything will change.

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